The 2023 Hermes Poll Dorsets sale catalogue is now available
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The 2023 Hermes Poll Dorset Annual Ram Sale will take place
Friday 8th September
Sale commencing on property at 2pm,
253 Swan Ponds Road Woodstock NSW 2793
Inspection from 11am on day of sale or prior inspection may be arranged.
All rams will be sold individually. The rams will penned in groups of 4 and auctioned in situ.
All rams are OJD vaccinated and are from vaccinated dams. (The flock has been vaccinated since 2000) We are a 2 gen. OJD approved Vaccinated Flock and Ovine Brucellosis Accredited Free.
Across Flock LAMBPLAN is the comparison of all meat sheep in different flocks and breeds across Australia. It is based on the performance of sires, dams and progeny in flocks assessed by LAMBPLAN.
Hermes has GOLD data quality. Best data gives more accurate information.
S/T Single (1) ,Twin (2) or Triplet (3)
BWT: Birth Weight
Hermes has been measuring birth weight for over 30 years. BWT under 0.5 is best for XB ewes All EBVs shown are suitable for the production systems of our clients. EBVs for BWT when lambs are born in autumn and late winter can exceed optimum threshold, as these are times when it is important to have a higher BWT to survive. This is also when there is a feed gap and pregnant ewes are being supplementary fed to increase embryo size. All animals in the catalogue were born unassisted.
WWT: Weaning Weight
A significant weighing point in the growth curve of the animal for lamb producers, this coupled with PWWT corresponds to the turn-off time for prime lambs, and inherited fast growth means a better bottom line.
PWWT: Post Weaning Weight
The higher the value, the faster-growing progeny the ram will produce. This is the ram’s EBV as a lamb and is the best wt indicator for lamb producers.
PFAT: Post Weaning Fat
The more negative the value for pfat the leaner an animal’s progeny will be. A pfat of -1 is leaner than a pfat of 0. Trade lamb production will require a positive or slightly negative value for this trait. Producers who turn off trade lambs and medium to heavy lambs will want -0.6 to -0.8 EBV.
MUSCLE: Carcase eye muscle depth.
Rams with positive values for MUSCLE will have more muscle (meat) and better carcass shape.
TCP (Terminal Carcase Production) Index
The TCP index has been created to achieve gains in the major production traits such as post weaning weight and muscling, as well as ensuring a focus on eating quality such as shear force, dressing % and intramuscular fat . Currently the assigned contributions to the index are; PWWT 19%, CEMD 27%, SF 28%, DRESSING 8%, PFAT 5%, IMF 2%. TCP is reported as a $ index, now aligned with all other Lambplan indexes
Is the best fit eating quality index for our breeding program. Currently the assigned contributions to the index are; Lambing Ease 8%, SF 32%, IMF14%, LMY3%, Dress 7%, Fat Depth 3%, Eye Muscle 16%, PWT 18% Under the newest analysis the values of the EBVs are taken from data based on DNA testing and data collected from the central nucleus flock. Data collection on the traditional traits uses 40 years of across-industry data, whereas EQ data uses only small samples and has yet to establish the confidence levels that we have in the physical data set.
Clients should select on the characters that best suit their production system and their expected market weights and target markets.
All data will be drawn from Lambplan run date JULY 2023.
The 2023 catalogue will allow producers to put the Hermes advantage directly into lamb production systems.
HERMES for high yield carcasses.
HERMES for more growth at the right stage for lamb production.
HERMES for appropriate leanness for different production systems and markets.
HERMES for appropriate birth weights for differing climates and environments.